February 2022 Newsletter
March 2, 2022

Expanded Equipment Streamlines Crystallographic Services
Helix is starting 2022 strong. We’re excited to expand our protein crystallography services bringing the new Leica M250C with the FlexCam system. Their integration with the existing ARI Gryphon and CCUV robotic systems increases our throughput monitoring crystallization trials. Speed = Faster Project Success!
Did you know... Our service line goes from gene construct to protein expression/protein synthesis to protein structure elucidation (Cryo-EM & crystallography)? If you need crystallization and structure solutions for your protein project(s), call us. Our growing capabilities and expertise can provide you with the advantage you need!
New Director of X-Ray Sciences

Dr. Anne Mulichak has extensive experience as a macromolecular crystallographer in academia, in the pharmaceutical industry and in a synchrotron setting. Prior to joining Helix, Anne worked for over 15 years at IMCA-CAT at the Advanced Photon Source, a facility focused on high-quality, high-throughput x-ray data collection tailored to the needs of drug discovery efforts at global pharmaceutical companies. Through this experience Anne has gained not only expertise in synchrotron data collection but a deep appreciation for the importance of timely, reliable and secure proprietary experiments for the critical work of drug discovery.